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Come and visit us at our  clinic in the heart of Chiswick

Overlooking the green and right next to the High Road

Spacious reception area, three treatment rooms and a fully equipped rehab and pilates gym

We now offer a wider range of therapies including:

Our Chiswick clinic offer our Gold Standard Physiotherapy treatments, plus a range of health and wellness services.


No matter what your condition or age, whether your are a sports person or a new mum, we can work with you to optimise your physical wellness.  

- Physiotherapy

- Osteopathy

- Paediatric and infant  treatment

- Ante natal and post natal 

- Pilates

- Personal Training

Notting Hill Gate 

5a Lucerne Mews,

Notting Hill Gate, W8 4ED 

T. 0207 018 3980207 018 3980207 018 3980


23-25 Chiswick High Road

Chiswick, W4 2ND

T. 0207 018 3980

Chiswick and Notting Hill Gate  © 2015 Onebody Clinic

West London

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