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Covid Procedures at Onebody

The following information is based upon a comprehensive Covid-19 risk assessment for Onebody Clinic.


Onebody Clinic is open for face-to-face appointments for Physiotherapy and Osteopathy. 


As we start to offer face to face appointments, we continue to work to prevent the spread of covid by our fully overhauled infection control procedures.


These measures are based on the updated government guidance and the PPE advice as provided by the NHS, CSP and HCPC. They will be reviewed regularly.


Patients - what you need to know. 


Appointment Booking


  • Prior to attending your appointment, you will be asked to complete a symptom screening questionnaire. This can be done over the phone, or via email. When you arrive, we will ask you again, verbally, that you have no symptoms.  This is to ensure that if you (or the people you live with) have had any symptoms of covid-19 that you do not attend the clinic. This is for your safety, and the safety of our staff and other clients. ​​




  • We will ask you to arrive promptly for your appointment. 

  • We will ask you to wear a face covering when in the clinic. If you do not have one, we will provide one for you. 

  • We will require you to wash and sanitise your hands upon arrival. 




We are no longer accepting cash payments in the clinic. Payment is by card only. 

Patients will always have the option of paying by Bank transfer. if they prefer. 




Please keep your mask on until you fully exit the clinic. 



In the clinic - Our procedures to keep us all safe from Covid. 




  • Staff cannot attend with ANY cold or flu like symptoms.

  • Staff are encouraged to come to work by walking/cycling or driving. If coming by public transport they must wear a face covering as per guidance.

  • All clinicians/physiotherapists are currently required to wear;

    • Type IIR surgical face mask.

    • Disposable gloves.

    • Disposable aprons.


Treatment rooms


  • All fabric couch coverings and pillow cases have been removed.

  • All non-cleanable equipment has been removed from treatment rooms.

  • All potential touch points have been identified.

  • All touch points will be cleaned with disinfectant between every appointment.

    • Examples: Treatment couch, face holes, side of chairs, desks, coat hangers, door handles.


Communal areas


  • Communal areas and associated touch points will be cleaned with disinfectant regularly;

    • Examples: door handles, reception counter, basin tops, chair arms, coffee machine, kettle, fridge door etc.

  • Physical distance guidance shall be observed at all times

  • All non-cleanable objects will be removed. 


The above list will be under regular review and adapted to PHE, CSP and Government guidance.

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